Friday, 5 July 2013

Personal presentations

I will make the personal presentations again, because there are toooooooo many people who want one XD
If you want on : SAY HOW YOU WANT IT


  1. Hoii Charly... Ik had mijn pres al bijgewerkt maar het was gahacked en alles was dus weg... Ik wilde dus eentje met Veel Fonts en Geen scroll boxen.. en achtergrond zwardt met een roze paars randje met schaduw... als dat wel kan.. Ik zag die bij een van die andere presentaties... Dus als het kan DANKJE heel erg... maar als het niet kan, is het ook niet erg hor :P.... BTW nog gefeliciteerd on best interior
    Thank U
    Bye.... Xx Sryanie

    1. hey (ik hoop dat je dit nog ziet)
      ik wil je presentatie graag maken en zal mijn best doen, ik geef toe ik ben slecht in veel fonts te gebruiken XD, welke wil je allemaal? en welke kleuren? dan zal ik het maken ^^

    2. hey ik zag t wel XD... Font: script mt bold, tekst: 11de bij tekst examples. Met een zwart, rose, donkerpaars rand, zwwarte achtergrond, de rand heeft 3lijnen dus.. erm... ThanXX again... XX Sryanie

    3. ik heb iets gemaakt 738 is die goed

    4. Ja het is goed.. Nogaal saai... Maar thanX charles.. :P

  2. Hey Charly I really want a presentation and I just want it to be simple. I want it to be a "Keep Calm" Presentation. I want it to say "Keep Calm And Listen To Rock N Roll" If you can I would also want some Black Veil Brides, Sleeping with Sirens, and Pierce the Veil pictures/logos. I've been using your presentations for months now and they are amazing! Please do this one for me? Thanks!

    1. well.. i cant design that stuff i'm so sorry. but you can take just a basic presentation? just write "Keep Calm" it's really simple

  3. Hello, can you do the presentation #731 with this photo?:

    The colors must to be dark blue, black, white, anyway customize it how you like :3

    Thank you sooooo much ^_^

    1. ... is that ciel? on the picture? I love it thanks for the clear info i will make it now


    3. Yes, is Ciel ^^ Thank you SO much, i love the presentation *-*

  4. can you make a presentation with a picture of puppy from I really want one and I can't make it I don't know how I tried

  5. Can you make a presentation with a horse? plzz
    i love horses so much!! :)
    Thank you :D

    1. i will try when i find a horse

  6. Can you make a presentation with a horse? plzz
    i love horses so much!! :)
    Thank you :D

  7. Sorry but i don't understand it :s

  8. make me one of shyguy from mario i LOVE mario and Shyguy is so cute lol tnx

  9. Canyoumakean prentation with Selena Gomez....And in the tittle write "When you ready,Come and get it"........
    Ilove Selena Gomez so much..!!! ♥ ♥ ♥
    THANK YOU!!!

  10. Hi!For starters, I'd like to thank you for making all these wonderful presentations!And I've been looking for a personalized presentation for months. I'd really really really love if you were to make me a presentation! I'd like for the background to be the first photo in lujane.(My Stardoll account. And For it to have 1 scroll box. And the Title to be "Blair". Thank you Thank you thank you. And could you do one more thing for me, contact me on stardoll when it's finished. Thhaankkkssss! ~Blair(lujane.)

  11. hey i want a presentation with colors blue and pink... my account is sofakixamogela.

  12. I'd like a Pierce the veil presentation. Not too rocky, like - I just want it to be black and white with pierce the veil in letters then that 'Single | 13 | Britain' thing, with a picture of them maybe behind it.

  13. Hola charly me gustaría una presentación de Monster High si se puede de mi personaje favorito Rochelle Goyle
    Me gustaría con caja de desplazamiento y en el raton me gustaria un logo que diga MH
    Y en los colores que sean Rosa Gris y Negro
    Mi doll se llama : avatar.corra ponete en contacto si tenes alguna duda

  14. Charly , can you make a personal presentation ( for me ) with mustache? My name in Stardoll is MissTeodora999.
    Thank you so much :*
    ( sorry for mistakes , google translate :| )

  15. Hello Charly! I would appreciate it if you could make me a presentation with Lana Del Rey and a music note as a cursor. I love music and I can't find anywhere a presentation I like about it! Thanks!


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