Hello every Stardollian! I will be writing at this blog, doing presentations and you can go to my SD page by clicking HERE. Just comment below on what presentation you want me to do! So, without further a do I will post more presentations in the future!
♥ I got my ticket for the long way round
Two bottle of whiskey for the way
And I sure would like some sweet company
And I'm leaving tomorrow, what do you say? write here your lyrics ↻ ◄ 3:24 / 3:24 write your text
shift+enter for a new line
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My Selena Gomez P A G E
Name | age | country | status | .... “Quote” ― name Title of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo song
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Name | age | country | status | .... “Quote” ― name Title of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo song
“YOUR FAVO QUOTE OF THEM” ― name Title of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo song
Black Veil Brides Name | age | country | status |....
“YOUR FAVO QUOTE OF them” ― name Title of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo song
Arctic Monkeys Name | age | country | status | ...
“YOUR FAVO QUOTE OF arctic monkeys; ― Member Arctic Monkeys Title of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo song
Lovatics ♥ Name | age | country | status | Lovatic
“YOUR FAVO QUOTE OF HER” ― Demi Lovato Title of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo song
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My One Direction P A G E
Name | age | country | status | Directioner “YOUR FAVO QUOTE OF him” ― Member of 1D Title of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo song
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My victoria justice P A G E
Name | age | country | status | Victoria Justice “YOUR FAVO QUOTE OF HER” ― Victoria Justice Title of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo song
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Name | age | country | status | Arianator “Music is really driving my whole life.” ― Ariana Grande Title of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo song
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Name | age | country | status | Little Monsters “You have to be unique, and different, and shine in your own way.” ― Lady Gaga Title of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo song
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Name | age | country | status | Belieber jerry & soon & vasebreaker #BeliebersLoveYouJustin Title of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo songTitle of your favo Song Title of the other favo song