I always wonder why birds stay in the same place
when they can fly anywhere on Earth.
Then I ask myself the same question...
A bout me
Hello! My name is.... and here I will write some things about me, for example I love oreo ( Who's with me??)
I can write everything I want here Cause it's my presentation. lalala ok I'm bored (you didn't see that coming, do you?)
Hey I made this presentation in the morning, just saw it on witty and I was like omg so nice quote!)
Here you can change the title in.... euhm friends or something and then you can talk about your amazing friends ^^ if you have some amazing friends... if not.. add me tadaaa haha sorry I am waaaaay to tired to make a presentation in the morning
This is another title thing, did you notice the mouse tag? It's made by LettingSecretsGo of witty profiles ( so not of stardoll!!!)
She made this awesome format ♥ credit is for her